How to Continue After 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse
"I completed the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse! Here are my snack recipes, tips and complete review!"
My 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Video Review!!
Whew 5 days down 5 more to go!! I can do this. YOU can do this! You guys know how I'm such a sucker for diets, detoxes and cleanses! I don't know why. Maybe it's the challenge of it all. Smack a number on a diet or detox and I'm game!
So now I'm right smack dab in the middle of the 10-day green smoothie cleanse by JJ Smith! This is my second time attempting this detox. I'm doing MUCH better this round hahaha.
I know a lot you guys are following along with me as well and starting on Monday! I decided to jump ahead so that I wouldn't get behind on blogging it and that I could give you my views earlier instead of the day after.
Have you ever heard of the 10-day green smoothie cleanse? I normally turn to my green monster or cabbage soup when I need to drop a few pounds but this cleanse really intrigued me. The success stories were insane and since I love smoothies…what the heck right!?
Here's how Days 1-5 went down!
But first here are some quick links & products you will need:
10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse FB Support Group
- Went grocery shopping: I hit up Target to buy all of the smoothie ingredients for days 1-5. This was expensive!! However, I did go all organic and didn't feel like store hopping to find the cheapest prices. The protein powder was doggone $30, but that's optional. It makes the smoothies taste chalky so I only used it a few times. It's suppose to keep you fuller longer. I couldn't tell a difference though.
Here is the grocery lists for Days 1 -5 (I won't be publishing the recipes on this site, out of respect for the author. You'll have to buy the book, which is vital since it's full of EVERYTHING you'll need to know, tips, additional recipes and so forth. It's always going on sale and it's on sale right now for $8.99 on Amazon)
10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Grocery List (Days 1-5)
- 6 apples
- 1 bunch grapes
- 20 oz. frozen peaches
- 20 oz. blueberries
- 15 oz strawberries
- 10 oz. frozen strawberries
- 10 oz. frozen mixed berries
- 6 oz. mango chunks
- 3 bananas
- 1 bunch kale
- 20 oz. spinach
- 20 oz. spring mix greens
- stevia, to sweeten
- flaxseed
- Detox tea
- Sea salt
- Snack foods: eggs, apples, tuna, raw crunchy vegetables, square bars
- non-dairy, plant-based protein powder (optional)
2. Take measurements and weighed myself: I clocked in at 141.0 lbs. I'm 5'0 so this is considered over weight I guess. I'd be more than happy to keep all this fluff minus my gut! Which is what I'm hoping to lose by doing this cleanse.
3. Have a last meal: This isn't in the book hahaha but before every diet restriction I ALWAYS have the last meal of anything I want. For my last meal, I had a toasted Philly cheesesteak sub, fries, and cold ice tea. And a big chunk of chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream. It was incredible.
4. Did some prepping: To set myself up for success I created a motivational calendar to mark off every day. Something about checking things off and seeing a deadline helps me stay focused. I gave myself little treats along the way like a pedicure on day 4. I also got my smoothie ingredients ready for the next morning so I didn't have to measure anything out. Just dump and blend. If you have to go into work I'd highly suggest prepping all of your snacks and smoothies the night before.
Speaking of snacks
Here is the list of snacks you can have on the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse. You are free to snack whenever you are hungry but only on these items. A few of these items aren't in the book but the author posted them on the Facebook fan page since people were asking for more snack options. These are the only snacks allowed.
10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Current Approved Snack List
Get the Recipe: 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Approved Snacks
- Apples
- Crunchy, raw vegetables
- Square Bars, these will be HEAVEN. GET THEM! I got the variety pack
- Tuna
- Boiled Eggs, make deviled eggs! They will be EVERYTHING to you
- Peanut Butter
- Nuts & Seeds
You are free to eat snacks when you are hungry from the approved list. Not many options but it's fun to get creative!
The author suggests you eat these snacks when you get hungry throughout the day.
You'll be sick of these snacks by the end of the cleanse.
Snacking a lot will slow down your progress.
The snack I've enjoyed and loved over the past 5 days are: (I'll post another set of snacks in my days -10 review)
Peanut Butter Apple Nachos
TO MAKE :Slice 2 apples (I used granny smith & gala) into slices. Drizzle with lemon juice. In a small bowl, heat 3 tablespoons peanut butter until melted. Stir in 1/2 teaspoon apple pie spice and 1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract. Drizzle over sliced apples and sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of crushed cashews or walnuts.
No-Mayo Deviled Eggs
TO MAKE: Slice two boiled eggs in half. Scoop the yolk into a bowl. Add in 1-2 tablespoons of cashew ranch dip (recipe below) and a few drops of water to create a creamy filling. Season with smoked sea salt, black pepper, dill, and chives until desired taste is reached. Garnish with smoked paprika and chives.
Raw Cashew Ranch Dip With Vegetables
TO MAKE: Soak 1 cup of raw cashews in water for 2 hours. Drain water and place cashews in a food processor. Add in 3/4 cup water, 1 teaspoon garlic, 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon dill weed, 1 1/2 teaspoons parsley, 1 teaspoon chives, and 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder (can also add onion powder if desired). Blend until creamy. Season with sea salt and black pepper to bring out the taste. Store in fridge. *NOTE* You can season this any way you like, you can make it sweet with cinnamon and stevia or savory. If you don't like ranch then just add your favorite seasonings. It's that creamy base you're going for!
Spicy Tuna Taco Cucumber Bites
TO MAKE: Peel 1 cucumber. Slice width-wise into about 1 1/2 inch slices. Carve out some of the center to create a bowl. Using a teaspoon helps with carving. Set aside. In a bowl stir together 1/2 cup tuna, 3 -4 Tablespoons cashew dip, 1 teaspoon chili powder, generous pinch of cayenne, 1 teaspoon cumin, 1 teaspoon cilantro, 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder, 1/2 teaspoon onion powder. Add sea salt and black pepper. Taste and adjust seasonings to your liking. Spoon filling into cucumber cups.
Broccoli Tuna Salad
TO MAKE: In a bowl, stir together 1/2 cup finely diced broccoli, 1/4 cup tuna, 2 tablespoon cashew dip, 1 Tablespoon diced yellow pepper, 1 tablespoon red onions. Season with smoked sea salt, black pepper, garlic powder, and cumin.
Here's How the 10-DAy Green Smoothie Went For Me(Day 1-5)
Day 1: The morning started off great. I was so ready and prepared to start! Drank my detox tea instead of coffee. I really missed my morning coffee. The smoothie was really good after adding in a few extras. An extreme headache set in this afternoon along with fatigue and I'm super irritable. This is a coffee withdrawal headache I know. I don't feel hungry but I want to feel full (hard to explain.) I'm really craving pasta and a hot, cheese pizza! Made chicken tenders for dinner for the fam and I ate a few of them. Felt kinda bad about it but my God they were so good. I wished I would have pre-prepped dinner for a few days. It's hard smelling food and cooking foods and not being able to sample. I can't stop thinking about food! I went to bed at 7:30. I was so drained.
*Tip* Take a painkiller as soon as you start to feel detox symptoms (headaches, body aches, etc) I tried to tough it out and once it set in, a painkiller couldn't even touch the pain. Brutal! I'd recommend starting the cleanse over the weekend if you are detoxing from caffeine & sugar. If I ever do this cleanse again I will slowly wean myself from coffee, may start with half a cup in the mornings instead of cold turkey. This wasn't worth the way I felt.
Day 2: Woke up feeling refreshed but with 4 pimples on my cheek. Only a very slight headache remained. The smoothie was pretty tasty and of course, I added extra stuff in there to make it sweeter! Like yesterday the headaches and extreme fatigue hit me like a ton of bricks in the afternoon. I was so exhausted. Took a 2-hour nap (I never take naps) I dragged myself through the entire day. I feel like I'm in a different state of mind, very foggy thinking and blah. The gas and bloating are horrendous! I'm ready for this to be over. I know these are detox symptoms. I'm super moody and the circles under my eyes are much darker. I took a lavender Epson salt bath because I felt achy and then I felt lightheaded when I got out of the bath. I keep thinking about food and watching the clock for my next snack. I'm not really hungry just want to eat I guess. Went to bed early again.
Day 3: Woke up refreshed again. Slept great and didn't have a headache when I woke up although a very light one did set in during the afternoon. Nothing major though. I can tell I'm starting to come out of the fog. I still feel really tired but I don't have that brain fog feeling. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better. I'm not sure if I want to continue this cleanse. I barely drank half of the smoothie. I just wasn't hungry. I just want myself back. I don't like being moody and fatigued. I have way to much stuff to do to be feeling like this. I haven't been the fun mom since I started this cleanse and so I planned a little movie night for my boys and I. I cheated and ate a little popcorn with them. No regrets. They've been such good boys for me while I haven't been feeling well.
Day 4: I FEEL FABULOUS!!! Wow, talk about what a difference a day makes! I'd read the reviews that said "just make it past day 3 or 4 and things will start looking up" but I really didn't believe it. I'm a believer now. I woke up feeling great. I was happy waking up and ready to start my day. Lots of energy, no sign of a headache, fatigue or body ache. I'm truly amazed. I guess I'm officially detoxed from my morning cup of coffee that I've had for years straight. I miss my coffee and I do plan on going back to it LOL I didn't make a smoothie today since I had so much leftover from yesterday. I'm not stepping on a scale but my stomach is looking flatter! Yayyy!!!
Day 5: I woke up today and went to the bathroom and something felt different between my legs. I couldn't figure it out and then it hit me. Wait, what! The top of my thighs no longer rub when I walk LOLLLLL Yep, this cleanse is working!!! I'm so ready to step on the scale but I won't until day 11. I only made half of the smoothie today. For some reason, I'm not as hungry and didn't want to waste it since I didn't finish it yesterday either. I decided it was best to throw myself into a project to keep my mind off of snacking. It worked. I've been organizing the linen closets that I've been putting off and working on my filming kitchen. It's been really fun. Today was easy. I didn't cheat at all today. I totally got this!!!!! So glad I decided to tough it out.
Click here to view my results and days 8-10!
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