Quick Baby Quilts Unique Simple Modern Baby Quilt Pattern Free Fast and Easy Baby Quilt

Perfect for a girl or a boy, the Guardian Angels Baby Quilt is a piece of heaven. What's more, it's fun and relatively simple to make. To get a closer look at the quilt and its patterns, download this three-page PDF of the Guardian Angels Baby Quilt Pattern.

To make the Guardian Angels Baby Quilt Pattern:

  1. Download baby quilt patterns and cut out. From dark purple, cut twelve 51/2-inch squares, seven 101/4-inch squares, and one 101/2-inch square. Cut each 101/4-inch square in half diagonally, forming 14 triangles. Cut 101/2-inch square along both diagonals, forming 4 triangles.
  2. From purple and pink print, cut five 11/2 X 45-inch strips and twenty-four 41/4-inch squares. Cut each square in half diagonally, making 48 triangles.
  3. From lavender, cut four 1/2-inch squares and sixteen 55/8-inch squares. Cut each 55/8-inch square in half diagonally, making 32 triangles.
  4. From white-on-white, cut four 101/4-inch squares. Cut each square in half diagonally, forming 8 triangles. Cut eight 55/8-inch squares. Cut each square in half diagonally, making 16 triangles. Trace around piece A 8 times onto white and cut out. Clip curves to dotted line.
  5. On gold, trace 12 B pieces and 8 C pieces. Cut out. Clip piece B to dotted line at inner points. Clip curved side of piece C to dotted line. Cut eight 141/2-inch pieces of gathered lace. Cut five 2 X 45-inch strips of fabric for binding.
  6. Center and pin gold star on dark purple square with points toward corners of square. Turn under 1/4 inch on each side and hand appliqué to purple with gold thread. Make 12.
  7. Place and pin gold piece C on large dark purple triangle, keeping edges even at right angle. Baste close to edge on 2 sides. Fold under clipped edge and hand appliqué. Place white piece A on top of halo with edges even. Baste edges and hand appliqué onto halo. Make 8.
  8. Stitch purple and pink print triangle to 4 sides of each purple star square. Stitch 2 opposite sides, then remaining sides. Press seams toward triangles. Trim points.
  9. Stitch 3 lavender triangles and 1 white triangle to star square centers. Make 8. Stitch 2 lavender triangles (to top and bottom) and 2 white triangles (to sides) to star square centers. Make 4. Press seams toward outer triangles and trim points.
  10. Machine baste lace to long side of each large white triangle. Pin and stitch 6 large white triangles to large purple triangles with angel heads and halos, making large squares.
    Guardian Angels Baby Quilt Pattern
    ©2007 Publications International, Ltd.
    Guardian Angels Baby Quilt Pattern
  11. Arrange squares and triangles into diagonal rows. (Refer to finished quilt illustration above for placement.) Stitch blocks into rows, then join rows to form large rectangle. Trim 2 purple and pink strips even with top and bottom of quilt. Cut 1 border strip in half. Stitch each half strip to whole strip. Pin and stitch long border strip to each side of quilt. Trim ends. Press seams toward borders.
  12. Stitch lavender square to each end of top and bottom border strips. Press seams toward squares. Pin and stitch these strips to top and bottom of center (don't catch lace). Press top seam toward border and bottom seam toward center.
  13. Layer quilt front, batting, and back; baste. Hand quilt, starting at center. Quilt close to outside edge of each star and inside edge of each purple square and purple and pink print square. Quilt close to outside edge of each angel wing, halo, and skirt, and close to edge of remaining lavender and dark purple triangles.
  14. See How to Quilt to cut binding and stitch to quilt.

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Source: https://lifestyle.howstuffworks.com/crafts/quilting/guardian-angels-baby-quilt-pattern.htm

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